Thursday, 4 February 2016

Damped Oscillation

Q.6. (a)  What are damped oscillation? How damping progressively reduces the amplitude of oscillations?

         (b) Briefly explain the damping of shock anaerobe of automobiles

Ans. (a) Damped Oscillation:

The continuous decrease of amplitude of oscillator is called damped oscillator and the oscillations are called damped oscillations,

Simple harmonic oscillations are ideal. In case of real oscillator there is continuous decease of amplitude which ultimately becomes zero. It is due to resistance of medium in which the oscillator oscillates. This resistive force reduces the mechanical energy of the system as time passes. This resistive force called damping force.

Ans. (b) Shock Absorb-er of Automobiles:

Shock absorbers in automobiles are on fo the practical applications of damping motion. A shock absorber consists of a piston moving through a liquid such as oil as in figure.

Note: For your information

Christian Huygens invented the pendulum clock in 1665. He was inspired by the work of Galileo who had discovered that all pendulums of the same length of time to complete one full swing. Huygens developed the first clock that accurately measure time,

The upper part of the shock absorber is firmly attached to the body of car. When the car travels over a bump on the road, the car many vibrate violently. The shock absorbers damp these vibrations and convert this energy into heat energy of the oil. Thus the passengers don't feel vibrations.

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